Working from home boosts productivity

Research recently published by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) shows a growing number of employers are reporting productivity gains as they embrace home and hybrid working.

This finding was based on the results of a survey of over 1,000 employers which sought to assess the implications, challenges and benefits of hybrid and flexible working arrangements. The study reported a notable jump in the proportion of employers saying an increase in homeworking has boosted their organisation’s productivity.

Based on the study’s findings, CIPD has offered a number of suggestions on how employers can successfully implement flexible and hybrid working practices:

  • Allow workers to request flexible working from day one of employment
  • Raise awareness of different forms of flexible working
  • Consult with employees when designing flexible/hybrid working practices
  • Assess risks based on equality and inclusion
  • Provide support and training for managers
  • Focus on outcomes, rather than being ‘present’ in the office
  • Invest in appropriate technology
  • Maintain a strong focus on employee health and wellbeing
  • Implement plans to avoid overworking and burnout.

Commenting on the research, CIPD Senior Policy Adviser Claire McCartney said, “Everyone should have the chance to benefit from more choice about when, where and how they work. This can lead to increased wellbeing and engagement, and enhanced performance, all of which can lead to the productivity gains many employers are reporting.”